Terms and Conditions

Also known as the fine print.
Or the gory details.

  1. Advertisements are subject to the Publisher’s approval and must not resemble editorial content unless previously agreed upon by the Publisher.

  2. By signing the booking form or confirming in email, you commit to the space reserved and agree to the terms and conditions of booking herewith.

  3. Invoice is issued when magazine is at print and payment is due on the 20th of the following month. 

  4. The 15% discount for four consecutive bookings is invoiced per publication and is pursuant on all four ads being placed and placed consecutively; if four consecutive ads are not placed then the advertiser will be required to repay the discounted sum from all adverts printed.

  5. Cancellations cannot be accepted after booking. Space reserved for which no artwork or copy is received by the deadline date will be charged at the agreed rate as stated on the booking form, but may be filled with other content at the publisher’s discretion (because, like, we don’t publish blank spaces, in respect to the trees we killed). 

  6. Advertisements within Plenty Magazine should be in line with Plenty’s policies and our ethos. As such, certain types of advertisements and promotions may not be permitted within Plenty Magazine (yup, it’s the tree thing again).

  7. The publication of an advertisement by the publisher does not constitute endorsement of the advertiser, its products or services by Plenty Ltd.

  8. The publisher will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by amendment, error, late publication or non-publication from any cause whatsoever. 

  9. The publisher will not accept liability for any error on the part of third parties or inaccurate copy instructions.

  10. The publisher reserves the right to publish the most appropriate copy should copy instructions not be received by the stipulated time.

  11. Artwork should be supplied as an electronic image file, via email to design@plenty.co.nz in the formats specified.

  12. Plenty Ltd also offers an in-house design service: copy set and prepared by Plenty (artwork, repro work, setting or amendments) at an additional cost. The client owns all final exported artwork. Artwork commissioned by clients will belong to the client but only in final exported print and digital form; this however does not include any original artwork files (indd, ai, eps, psd etc.) used in the production process. If transfer of ownership of these files is desired, they must be purchased through a separate agreement.

  13. If Plenty Ltd is asked to repeat an advert, we will always use the most recent copy published unless instructed otherwise.

  14. Neither the publisher or its contractors and subcontractors shall be liable for any consequential loss arising from non-publication of advert or from any errors or omissions contained in published copy and/or adverts.

  15. Material that in Plenty’s opinion could be considered offensive to readers will be censored or omitted from the publication. Where possible you will be advised to supply alternative copy. Point 13 shall apply if new copy is not received by copy deadline date.

  16. An additional banking fee of $25.00 will be charged for non NZ residents to cover currency conversion and bank fees. Payments made in NZD however will not attract this fee.

  17. All costs incurred in the recovery of overdue accounts will be added to the total amount owed.